Board Certified Psychiatrist


Dr. Diane Nguyen offers full psychiatric evaluations, diagnoses, and medication management.  The focus is on psychopharmacology but adjunctive therapy is provided to encourage, educate on, and promote healthy coping skills and well-being. Dr. Nguyen welcomes individuals who are motivated in taking active roles in their own treatment planning.

ψ Treatments
·         Medication management
·         Diagnostic consultations
·         Individual Therapy and education including: meditation, mindfulness skills, interpersonal and intrapersonal awareness, cognitive and behavior changes, wellness and health therapy and education

ψ Mood Disorders
·         Major Depression
·         Atypical Depression
·         Psychotic Depression
·         Postpartum Depression
·         Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
·         Bipolar Disorder I and II
ψ Anxiety
·         Acute Stress Disorder
·         Panic Disorder
·         Social Phobia
         Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
·         Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

·         Generalized Anxiety Disorder
 ψ Addictions
·         Alcohol Use Disorder (maintenance, detox may require hospitalization)
·         Opiates/Heroin Use Disorder
·         Nicotine Use Disorder

.         Food: Binge eating Disorder
ψ Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

·         Evaluation
·         Medication treatment